AFA 2015: The captured moments

Crowds at the Pony Canyon booth
Through out the 3 day on the weekends of 27th to the 30th of November the much anticipated Anime Festival Asia 2015 Singapore was held at Suntec Convention Center. Huge crowds of Japanese Pop
culture enthusiast jam packed the halls and the free zone on level 3.
- Akiba Mini Stage
For the first time the AFA Singapore lineup included Japanese comedians. They covered a wide variety of genres, like parody of animes and there was even one that does not have any script and everything was based on the audience choice. Juduging by the crowd's response despite the language barrier, its worth a consideration to bring them back agian.
Ely Cosplaying as Sakuya on the 1st day of AFA.
Ying Tze on stage
One of the crowd Favourite would be the guest cosplayers lineup at the event.
This year many of the guest cosplayers were here in Singapore for the first time like Ely,Siutao,Tomia,Sansin,Otogi Nekomu as well as Jun & Neru. Also present are familar names like Angie,Yingtze,Kaname,Baozi and Hana. Fans were delighted by the meet and greet session at the mini stage where there is a Q&A session(P.S: Here is a reminder to all to respect the guest cosplayer's privacy, there was a fan who asked a personal question to angie.)
Nijicon Showcase
Nijicon Showcase
Another Crowd favourite at the Mini Stage would be the Idol group's performance Groups like
Nijicon and Stand-Up! Hearts attracted scores of WOTAs to the mini stage area and thier cheers can be heard loud and clear whenever the idols are performing on stage.
Fans of Pony Canyon's Yurika Endo, Yumiri Hanamori and MICHI would be delighted at The talk and Mini anisong live at the Akiba mini stage. There is even a autograph session at the end of the
show where fans got thier merchandise signed by thier favourite artist.
Everlast Special Live at the akiba Mini Stage,where the indie group performed tracks from the the Force of Will TCG soundtrack.
Fan Girls of Several Junon Super Boys were treated with perfomance on stage and a Q and A session at the Akiba Mini stage.
Exits tune Showcase brought Majiko,MikitoP as well as PCF to the Akiba mini stage. The crowd really went wild for PCF perfomance on Sunday night.
Main Stage
Indonesia for the 3rd year running emerges as the Champion of ARCC this year. While the 2nd spot is clinched by Thailand and the 3rd by Philippines.
Garakowa showcase (Photo credit: © SOZO PTE LTD. ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA 2015)
Fans of Series like: Charlotte,is this the order a rabbit?,YuruYuri,Garakowa Restore the World,The asterisk war and One punch Man were treated with showcases of the anime.
Commericial booths
Yurika Endo saw my camera and pose for it (^^.)y
Fans of Pony Canyon's Yurika Endo, Yumiri Hanamori and MICHI would be delighted at The talk and Mini anisong live at the Akiba mini stage. There is even a autograph session at the end of the
show where fans got thier merchandise signed by thier favourite artist.
Everlast Special Live at the akiba Mini Stage,where the indie group performed tracks from the the Force of Will TCG soundtrack.
One of the boys from the Junon showcase
Fan Girls of Several Junon Super Boys were treated with perfomance on stage and a Q and A session at the Akiba Mini stage.
one of the ARCC singles competitor isn't he cute?
On the final Day of AFASG 2015 the Akiba mini stage saw several ARCC Single Competiors battling it out for the title.
Exits tune Showcase brought Majiko,MikitoP as well as PCF to the Akiba mini stage. The crowd really went wild for PCF perfomance on Sunday night.
Main Stage
ARCC participants (Photo credit: © SOZO PTE LTD. ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA 2015)
Indonesia for the 3rd year running emerges as the Champion of ARCC this year. While the 2nd spot is clinched by Thailand and the 3rd by Philippines.
YuruYuri Stage (Photo credit: © SOZO PTE LTD. ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA 2015)
Fans of Series like: Charlotte,is this the order a rabbit?,YuruYuri,Garakowa Restore the World,The asterisk war and One punch Man were treated with showcases of the anime.
Commericial booths
Kadokawa Booth
GSC booth
Merchandise glore as big names like Good smile company, Aniplex and Kadokawa brought in nendroids and official character goods, many of which at special prices and some of which are Exculsive. Its these booths that attracted the early crowd every year to Chiong (rush) whenever the doors open without fail evey year.
Creators hub
Angie spotted browsing at the Creators hub booth
Personally, I always spend the most at this section at events. The Creators hub is AFA's doujin Section. It's a welcoming sight to see that Creators Hub have been expanding over the years,
catering to the fandom of indiviuals.
Canon Photo booths
Picture taken a Canon Photo booth at Level 4
As a major partner for AFA, Canon has setup several photo booths at Level 4 for cosplayers to take photos, They can even get thier photo taken by professionals and get thier photos printed out free!
Fans of the invited guest cosplayers enjoy the same privallage as well.
Free Zone @ Level 3
Photo taken at Level 3
Photo taken at Level 3 Canon photobooth.
Booths selling and promoting makeup related products
The popular hangout for Cosplayers and shutterbugs at level 3 was made officially a Free Zone this year for the very first time. Canon have also setup several backdrops here for the public usage. Non
anime related booth suchs as one that is promoting and selling makeup related products can be seen
here as well.Awesome food!
Love Live! School idol project parfait cafe
No matter if you are a event goer, photog, cosplayer you are bound to get hungry. This year,teaming up with WAttention,there is a food street within the exibition itself. Monster Curry,Keisukei Ramen, Ramen Matsuri were all there. Even a Parfait Cafe that sold thier parafait based on indiviual character
in the series.
I love Anisong Concert!
Congratulatory flower wreath outside the concert venue
Last but certianly not the least was the I love Anisong Concerts through the 3 days of the festival.
This year as the name I love Anisong Concert Reboot! suggested there were many artist who were here for the first time along with familar names. Also not forgetting our very own Usagi and AkatsukiRin(For those unfamilar they were awarded Asia Anisong-Singer Audition(AAA) Grandprix prize at AFA last year ) were in the lineup as well.
For more pictures of the Festival head to the gallery below:
It is very unfortunate that one of the invited guest Sakurai-san has passed on a week after attending AFASG 15 in a railway accident. would like to sent condolances to his love ones and may he rest in peace.