STGCC ramps up excitement with 12 more pop culture personalities
The Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention (STGCC) will take Southeast Asia’s pop culture scene by storm with its latest power-packed announcement of 12 top-notch personalities, released six weeks before the main event kicks off in September.
From East to West, from comic book artists to the elusive creative forces behind
popular Japanese entertainment, this year’s STGCC will see a wide range of pop
culture personalities appearing in Singapore for the first time, bringing with them
new collaborations and exciting news.
- Tomokazu Sugita
This edition of STGCC will see the debut appearanceof Tomokazu Sugita, a famous seiyuu (voice actor) best known for voicing many memorable roles in
various Japanese anime and game titles – from Gintoki of the popular Gintama, to Kyon from Haruhi Suzumiya and Joseph Joestar from Jojo’s Bizzare
Adventure. He also brought to life Ragna the Bloodedge from fighting game BlazBlue, which spawned an anime series.
In fact, not only is this his debut at STGCC, the trip also marks his very first visit
to meet fans in Southeast Asia!
- Good things come in PAIRS
Pop culture aficionados are in for a real treat as Reed Exhibitions will be
showcasing not one, but two pairs of power duos at STGCC. Freshly announced at the recently-concluded San Diego Comic-Con, Fight Club, the novel
brought to stardom in 1999 by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in the Hollywood cult classic of the same name, is taking on a new storytelling
format and returning as a comic book series –Fight Club 2.
Cameron Stewart and David Mack, who will be in Singapore to meet fans at STGCC, areworking together on the artwork for all 10 issues of the highly anticipated sequel, with Stewart doing the art, and Mack as the cover
artist. The series, published by Dark Horse, will debut in May 2015.
David Mack, famed for the New York Times Best Selling KABUKI Graphic Novels and Daredevil from Marvel Comics, is back at STGCC with first-timer Cameron Stewart, an Eisner Awards (the comic industry’s equivalent of the Oscar Awards)
winning writer and artist.
Together with artist Babs Tarr, Stewart recently gave DC Comics’ Batgirl a new
look, and he is officially on board as part of the new writing team with Batgirl #35,
starting in October 2014. Stewart also wrote and drew the Assassin’s Creed: The
Fall, Assassin’s Creed: The Chain and Assassin’s Creed: Brahman, based on the
extremely popular Assassin’s Creed video game series.
- Dmyo & Stayxxxx
The next power duo recently collaborated on the “Sleepless Child” project in May 2014. Shirahane Nao (AKA Dmyo) from Korea, a prominent illustrator best
known for her works with celebrity blogger Danny Choo on Mirai-chan (the official mascot character of Culture Japan), tied up with Stayxxxx, a high profile
Taiwanese cosplayer on this project.
Their first collaboration takes the form of “Cosplay x Illustration”, with Stayxxxx
cosplaying as Eiji Seiun, the male partner of Mirai-chan, spiced up with
Shirahane Nao (AKA Dmyo)’s illustration of Mirai-chan. It was a piece done in
celebration of the launch of Danny Choo’s Smart Doll.
Stayxxxx may look like a suave and stylish guy when donning various
anime/manga/game outfits, but she is in fact a female cosplayer well-known for
cosplaying male characters. Her depictions of anime characters such as Captain
Levi from Attack on Titan, Houka Inumata from Kill la Kill, and Gilgamesh from
FATE series have won her fans from across the region.
- Olivier Coipel
writer J. Michael Straczynski (also the creator of popular science fiction TV series Babylon 5) on the critically acclaimed book Thor, where he designed the
look of the God of Thunder. Coipel has also showcased his gift for spectacle in his work with writer Brian Wood as the penciller for the series: X-Men, and
his three issues of Avengers vs. X-Men (AvX) comic book series as an artist.
Coipel is currently working on a top secret Marvel project. Meet him face-to-face
at STGCC to find out more!
- Frank Kozik
Frank Kozik is the father of the iconic Labbit character. An entirely self-taught
artist, Kozik works closely with Kidrobot and other boutique toy companies to create over 500 different limited edition figures. He also has a pair of NikeSB Dunk Quickstrike sneakers, a special edition Swatch watch, and an “Absolut Kozik” print ad amidst other notable projects under his belt.
- Andy Price
Andy Price is the lead penciller and ink artist for the wildly popular My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic comic book from IDW Publishing. The book broke the 100,000 presale mark; the first independent book to beat out DC
Comics and Marvel Comics in nine years.Price is making his debut in Asia at STGCC. Calling all fans of My Little Pony, be sure to catch Price in person at
the show.
- Makoto Kedouin (KEDWIN)
Makoto Kedouin (KEDWIN) is the writer of Corpse Party, a survival horror adventure Doujin (self-published works) video game series. The popularity of Corpse Party has spawned titles in many other games, manga and OVA
(original video animation). Catch him at STGCC as he
brings the “horror factor” from Japan to Singapore!
haLRu (MONOMIND) is a prominent independent engineer of SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH and his responsibility is to drop beats on the dance floor daily.
He was the sound engineer for the recording of the underground Doujin hits such as Himawari Remix, RayRain and even albums like Anime House Project
and enigmatic LIA4.
- estha (GEOGRAPHIC)
estha (GEOGRAPHIC)’s music mostly encompasses styles of house music, but he has multiple releases in the Touhou and Game music genres as well, most notably his works with Key Sounds Label. He is also the founder of two paramount Doujin groups within the Touhou scene – “GEOGRAPHIC” and “XL PROJECT”, both comprising experienced talents from Music, Design, Programming and Storytelling.
- Harvey Tolibao
Harvey Tolibao returning to STGCC after two years, Tolibao will be launching a brand new HMT (Home of Multi-Talent) Studios artbook at the show to inspire other artists. Get ready to be impressed with the amazing collection of artwork in the book!
So grab the tickets to the pop culture fiesta now! Priced at $19 for a one-day
pass and $25 for a two-day pass, tickets are available for sale at selected
authorised retail outlets and at the event itself. Visit for more ticketing details.
Check out for the latest STGCC news!
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