Cosmo Youth Parade @ Shine 2012(Video updated!)
Fans gathers up at Shine 2012 for their chance to catch a glimpse of her at the Cosmo Youth Parade on Saturday. Fan were delighted to see her as Yui Hirasawa from K-on! and Tsukihi Araragi from Nisemonogatari.,,, and Operation P.Ani.C have also brought you an interview session with Neneko,more pictures and the said video will be after the break so why not head over there right now =) ?

The started of with neneko and other Guest of honour cutting the ribbon

Neneko coscard, Yukino coscard,Neneko's autographed poster and my media pass which was autographed during the interview session (^^)y

Fans brave the rain for their autograph and photo taking session with Neneko

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