SOY "C" @ NP!

Start Of The Year Continues or simply SOY 'C' is a yearly event held at Ngee Ann Poly orgianze my the school very own Japanese Tsubasa Club, This year it happens slight later in the month of Apr ,I am guessing this is prolly due to the new poly semester scheme but it ain't the matter,what matters post is that it was the event everyone was looking forward to and all of us did enjoy it. As usual is there to capture that wonderful memories so do check out the slideshow link to the gallery after the break =)...
updated with vids! courtesy of Yiv0n.
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100411|0215-Uploading Batch 1 [41 pictures] to Flickr(High Res) & Facebook(For tagging)
160411|All Photos up on Flickr(High Res);Facebook(For tagging)
Video(s) courtesy of Yiv0n.
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