It was hardfought battle ,nevertheless it has been won.
The 3-year journey here was never easy,many times i fell but i pick myself up and march on,
with the support of friends lecturers and family,determination drive me through the times of turmoil.
@ NYP i have met a group of great friends that went through the tick and thin together,
there are even lecturers turn friends without thier help i won't be right here i am right now.
A big thanks to my lecturers and the heartiest congarts to my fellow classmates & friends.
It will be 2 mths before i embark on another journey of my life as a NS man,for now it time to take a breather
and enjoy myself.

with the support of friends lecturers and family,determination drive me through the times of turmoil.
@ NYP i have met a group of great friends that went through the tick and thin together,
there are even lecturers turn friends without thier help i won't be right here i am right now.
A big thanks to my lecturers and the heartiest congarts to my fellow classmates & friends.
It will be 2 mths before i embark on another journey of my life as a NS man,for now it time to take a breather
and enjoy myself.

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