Bz Bz Bz!!!! Report,presentation,Report,Presentation!
The vacuum camber is.................Opps Wrong place :P!
Dam! Lol! there is many reports and presentation to do,this third year in poly is is unexpectedly busy year for me! lol! infact just Finish one of the presentation and there using th free time to post this. Ok eunff of Ranting be sure to look out for something special some Wiki thingy coming soon.haha hope so lolz!
Anyway in between the post it has been a long time and many tihings happen altough having a very hectic lifestlye nowadays i am enjoying my life with the outing organize by fellow EDMWERs and oh yar i am I [JUNK] JEDI UNKERS for this years GXL season 1 BF2142 compy XD! look like next on the list to worry+enjoy! haha.
Ok i guess is time to sgin out! Bye!
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